Photo Philippe Frisée

Parce que le design est avant tout une histoire, une fonction. Parce que chaque projet est une entité différente et une ouverture sur le monde, Frédéric Sofia jongle avec le design depuis la création en 1994 de sa première société Wombat, spécialisée dans l’autoédition. Né à Lyon en 1967, diplômé de l’Université de Technologie en Génie Mécanique et d’un deuxième cycle en marketing, le designer basé à Paris aborde sa discipline en lien direct avec l’industrie et l’économie. De son parcours autodidacte doublé d’une volonté inaltérable de construire des partenariats durables, Frédéric Sofia ne cesse de pratiquer un travail de fond, animé de ce besoin insatiable de se sentir utile sans outrepasser son égo. Qu’il s’agisse de ses objets industriels ou de ses œuvres d’art (conçues en duo avec Catherine Sofia), ce designer navigue du monde objet au monde de l’art contemporain. Ce dernier, longtemps entrevu comme une échappée, lui permet de raconter des histoires jusqu’alors impossible à traduire dans le domaine du design industriel. Entre réalisme structurel et esthétique formelle (collection Luxembourg éditée par Fermob, réverbère solaire pour Oversun), son regard sur la société se concrétise à travers des succès d’estime autant que commerciaux. Depuis la création de son studio en 2000, les réflexions de Frédéric Sofia s’affirment à travers une galaxie de projets sensibles et réalistes, nourris par un souci de recherche permanente, afin d’améliorer le quotidien, de prendre en compte l’inventaire des usages tout en y apportant sens et émotion. Frédéric Sofia questionne, détourne et réinvente, sans jamais oublier de faire le lien entre sa mission et celle de l’industrie à laquelle il s’adresse. Toujours garant d’histoires écrites sur le long terme et profondément animé par cette urgence de changer les choses par le biais des objets et pour un monde meilleur.
Yann Siliec – septembre 2018

N°211 / Avril 2022

Podcast Juin 2019
Interview de Frédéric Sofia
Par Hélène Aguilar

LUI Magazine
Décembre 2019

ICON Magazine
N°148 / Octobre 2015
«City chairs»

M Le magazine du Monde
Juillet 2014

N°140 / Janvier 2009

MD Design magazine
N°42 / Janvier 2007
«Relaxation technique»

Industrial design / The art of FC Sofia


– Exposition collective « La valeur du design » – Cité du design de Saint-Etienne
Art Paris – Galerie Cédric Bacqueville, Lille


– Exposition collective Red Dot Design Award – Red Dot Design Museum, Essen
Exposition solo «FC Sofia» – Galerie Cédric Bacqueville, Lille
SCOPE New York – Debuck Gallery, New York


Art Miami – Debuck Gallery, New York
Enchères – 20ème anniversaire du Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center Benefit, New York
Exposition collective «Italia Francia – L’innocence du réel» – Pietrasanta
Exposition collective «Inauguration partagée» – Galerie Cédric Bacqueville, Lille
Art Palm Beach – Debuck Gallery, New York
Slick Art Fair Bruxelles – Galerie Cédric Bacqueville, Lille


Exposition solo «Parade» – Debuck Gallery, New York
Art Southampton, Debuck Gallery, New York
Exposition solo «Ennemis favoris», Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
Art Miami, Debuck Gallery, New York
Exposition «Domestic» – Centre Pompidou-Metz
Exposition espace jeunesse «Materi oh!» – Centre Pompidou-Metz
Atelier espace enfants «Custom Domestic» – Centre Pompidou-Metz
Atelier espace ados «Pop auto-portrait» – Centre Pompidou-Metz


Scope New York – Rize Art Gallery, Amsterdam
Art Chicago – Rize Art Gallery, Amsterdam
Exposition collective «Picasso forever» – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
– Exposition collective Labels VIA – VIA, Paris


Scope Miami – Rize Art Gallery, Amsterdam
Guy Hepner, Los Angeles
Rize Art Gallery, Amsterdam
Exposition collective «Heart» – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
Art Paris – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
– Exposition collective Labels VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris


Art Paris – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
Exposition solo «Bling Bang!» – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris


Exposition solo «God save the earth» – Galerie Laurent Strouk, Paris
– Exposition solo «Promo» – Galerie R’Pure, New York


– Acquisition du mobilier Luxembourg par le FNAC (Fond National d’Art Contemporain)
– Exposition collective Observeur du Design – Cité des Sciences, Paris
– Exposition collective Labels VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris


– Exposition «Promo» – Colette, Paris
– Exposition collective «Videhome» – VIA, Paris
– Exposition collective Labels VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris


– Exposition collective VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris


– Exposition collective Labels VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris
– Exposition collective «French Creative Ceramic», Tokyo – Intramuros, Paris
– Exposition collective «Placenta» – BETC Euro RSCG, Paris


– Exposition collective VIA, Paris et Milan – VIA, Paris


– Exposition collective Design Year Book – Foke Museum, Brême
– Exposition collective «Luminaire, 100 ans d’édition Française» – VIA, Paris


– Exposition collective « Design for Europe », Biennale Interieur 94 – Courtrai, Belgique


Intramuros, (07/2017), France
Coté Sud, (04/2017), France
Coté Maison, (04/2017), France
Elle Decoration, (05/2017), France, (06/2017), France
Exterieurs Design, (05/2017), France
GQ Hors Série, (07/2017), France
Marianne, (04/2017), France
Marianne, (05/2017), France
Car Life Magazine, (02/2017), France
Week End, (03/2017), France
Desingfax, (04/2017), France
Vivre Coté Paris, (04/2017), France, (04/2017), France
NDA Magazine, (04/2017), France
Le journal de la, (03/2017), France
Le journal de la, (05/2017), France
Le journal de la, (06/2017), France
Le journal de la, (07/2017), France
La Tribune, (01/2017), France
L’Auvergnat, (02/2017), France
La Revue des Comptoirs, (03/2017), France
Architecture Cree, (03/2017), France
Vivre Cote Paris, (06/2017), France
Le Dauphiné, (03/2017), France
L’Industrie Hotelière, (03/2017), France
Le Courrier Economie, (01/2017), France
Trendy Mood, (03/2017), France
Trendy Mood, (03/2017), France, (06/2017), France
Tendance & Habitat, (01/2017), France
Tendance & Habitat, (07/2017), France
Architecture à Vivre, (01/2017), France
Deco Tendency, (01/2017), France
Deco Idées, (04/2017), France
Deco Idées, (07/2017), France
Art & Habitat; Décoration, (04/2017), France
Art & Habitat; Décoration, (05/2017), France
Maison à Vivre, (05/2017), France
Residences Décoration, (04/2017), France
Le Courier du Meuble et de L’habitat, (04/2017), France
Les Plus Beaux Jardins, (06/2017), France
Les Plus Beaux Jardins, (07/2017), France
Maisons de Campagne, (05/2017), France, (05/2017), France
Maison Creative, (04/2017), France
Maxi, (05/2017), France
Détente Jardin, (06/2017), France
Maison Créative, (07/2017), France
Home Solutions, (05/2017), France, (03/2017), UK
Arcade, (05/2017), Germany
Nobilis, (05/2017), Germany
Dega Galabau, (01/2017), Germany
Wohnen&, (01/2017), Germany
Schoner Whonen, (02/2017), Germany
Freundin, (03/2017), Germany
Hauser, (04/2017), Germany
Elle Decoration, (05/2017), Germany
Grun, (05/2017), Germany
Stylus, (05/2017), Germany
Stylus Dusseldorf, (05/2017), Germany
Wohnen, (05/2017), Germany
AD Choice, (06/2017), Germany
Ait Architektur, (06/2017), Germany
Deco Home, (06/2017), Germany
Ait Architektur, (06/2017), Germany
Living & More, (07/2017), Germany
Wohn ! Design , (07/2017), Germany
Zuhause Wohnen, (07/2017), Germany
Vn Vorarlberger Nachrichten, (04/2017), Austria
Vn Vorarlberger Nachrichten Leben & Wohnen, (04/2017), Austria
Reiter Magazin, (05/2017), Austria
Kmu Gewerbeverband Kanton Luzern, (03/2017), Switzerland
Anzeiger Aus Dem Bezirk, (03/2017), Switzerland
Anzeiger Vom Rottal, (03/2017), Switzerland
Anzeiger Michelsamt, (03/2017), Switzerland
Seetaler Bote, (03/2017), Switzerland
Surseer Woche, (03/2017), Switzerland
Luzerner Zeitung, (03/2017), Switzerland
Nidwaldner Zeitung, (03/2017), Switzerland
Obwaldner Zeitung, (03/2017), Switzerland
Rigi Zeintung, (03/2017), Switzerland
Urner Zeitung, (03/2017), Switzerland
Willisauer Bote, (03/2017), Switzerland
Wynentaler Blatt, (03/2017), Switzerland
Le Nouvelliste, (04/2017), Switzerland
Schoner Wohnen Ausgabe, (04/2017), Switzerland
Le Quotidien de la Cote , (04/2017), Switzerland
L’Express , (04/2017), Switzerland
Agefi Life, (05/2017), Switzerland
Annabelle, (05/2017), Switzerland
Espaces Contemporains, (06/2017), Switzerland
Wohnrevue, (07/2017), Switzerland
Schaffhauser Nachrichten, (07/2017), Switzerland, (03/2017), USA, (07/2017), USA
Dwell CA, (02/2017), USA
Interiors & Sources Magazine, (02/2017), USA
Interior Design, (02/2017), USA
California Home & Design, (03/2017), USA
CTC & Gardens, (05/2017), USA, (05/2017), USA
Glorian, (05/2017), USA
Horsens Folkeblad, (06/2017), Denmark
Vejle Amts Folkeblad, (06/2017), Denmark
Fyens Stiftsidende, (06/2017), Denmark
Fyns Amts Avis, (06/2017), Denmark
Arhus Stiftstidende, (06/2017), Denmark
Dagbladet Holstebro, (06/2017), Denmark
Dagbladet Ringkobing Skjer, (06/2017), Denmark
Dagbladet Ringkobing Skjer, (06/2017), Denmark
Folkebladet Lemvig, (06/2017), Denmark
Jydske Vestkysten, (06/2017), Denmark
Randers Amtsavis, (06/2017), Denmark
Viborg Stifts Folkeblad, (06/2017), Denmark, (09/2016), Denmark
Femina, (04/2017), Denmark
Alt Om Haven, (05/2017), Denmark
Liebhaver Boligen, (05/2017), Denmark
Mad Og Bokg, (06/2017), Denmark
Boligliv, (05/2017), Denmark
Boligplus, (06/2017), Norway
Gardenia, (02/2017), Italy
D Casa, (04/2017), Italy, (06/2017), Italy
Meidan Mokki, (04/2017), Finland
Plaza Koti, (05/2017), Finland
Plaza Koti, (06/2017), Finland
Sodertalje-Posten, (05/2017), Sweden
Osterlen Magasinet, (06/2017), Sweden
Expressen, (06/2017), Sweden
Elle Décoration, (06/2017), Sweden
Residence, (07/2017), Sweden
Expressen, (07/2017), Sweden


Intramuros, (11/2016), France
IDEAT, (09/2016), France
Exterieurs Design Magazine, (11/2016), France
NDA Magazine, (09/2016), France
NDA Magazine, (10/2016), France
Domodeco, (10/2016), France
Marie France, (10/2016), France
Coté Ouest, (10/2016), France, (11/2016), France, (08/2016), France
Architecture à Vivre, (Hors Serie 11/2016), France
Le Courrier du Meuble et de l’Habitat, (11/2016), France
Tendances, (11/2016), France
Le Courier du Meuble et de L’habitat, (11/2016), France
Manager & Reussir, (09/2016), France
Entreprendre, (09/2016), France
Magazine Air France, (08/2016), France
Art & Décoration, (08/2016), France
Exterieurs Design Magazine, (11/2016), France
Deco Tendency, (11/2016), France
Mobilium, (11/2016), France
Frankfurter Neue Presse, (10/2016), Germany
Living At Home, (08/2016), Germany
Mobel Kultur, (08/2016), Germany
Hauser, (08/2016), Germany
Lisa Blumen Und Pflanzen, (08/2016), Germany
20 Private Wohntraume, (09/2016), Germany
Clivia, (09/2016), Germany
Mobel! Trends Style Guide, (09/2016), Germany
Welt Am Sonntag Kompakt, (09/2016), Germany
Reiter Magazin, (10/2016), Austria
L’Agefi Immo, (10/2016), Switzerland
Umbauen + Renovieren, (09/2016), Switzerland
High Point Enterprise, (10/2016), USA
Alpharetta-Roswell Herald, (12/2016), USA
Berkshire Magazine, (08/2016), USA
San Diego Home, (08/2016), USA
Country Living, (09/2016), USA
Residence, (12/2016), Denmark, (05/2016), Denmark, (07/2016), Denmark, (07/2016), Denmark
Arhus Stiftstidende, (07/2016), Denmark
Dagbladet Holstebro, (07/2016), Denmark
Dagbladet Struer, (07/2016), Denmark
Folkebladet Lemvig, (07/2016), Denmark
Femina, (11/2016), Denmark
Bonytt, (08/2016), Norway
Interior Magasinet, (08/2016), Norway, (09/2016), Italy
Domus, (09/2016), Italy, (09/2016), Italy
Outdoor Observer, (12/2016), Italy
Gente, (12/2016), Italy
Glorian, (08/2016), Finland, (12/2016), Finland, (05/2016), Sweden
Helsingsborgs Daglad, (07/2016), Sweden
Landskrona Posten, (07/2016), Sweden
Nordvastra Skanes Tidningar, (07/2016), Sweden
Sydsvenskan, (07/2016), Sweden


Intramuros, (10/2015), France
Intramuros Guide, (2015/2016), France
IDEAT, (Hors Serie 04/2015), France
ELLE, (06/2015), France
Exterieurs Design Magazine, (04/2015), France
Exterieurs Design Magazine, (08/2015), France, (08/2015), France
L’Express, (10/2015), France, (03/2015), France
Marie Claire Maison, (07/2015), France
Marie Claire Maison, (08/2015), France
Marie Claire Idées, (11/2015), France, (06/2015), France, (09/2015), France, (10/2015), France
Coté Sud, (02/2015), France
Coté Sud, (04/2015), France
Coté Sud, (07/2015), France
Coté Sud, (09/2015), France
Coté Sud, (10/2015), France
Coté Sud, (Supplement 10/2015), France
Coté Ouest, (07/2015), France
Coté Est, (07/2015), France
Home Fashion News, (04/2015), France
Home Fashion News, (07/2015), France
Home Fashion News, (10/2015), France
Coté, (01/2015), France
Coté, (03/2015), France
Coté, (04/2015), France
Coté, (05/2015), France
Coté, (08/2015), France
Coté, (09/2015), France
La Revue Des Comptoirs, (09/2015), France
La Revue Des Comptoirs, (12/2015), France
Nice Matin, (06/2015), France
Var Matin, (06/2015), France
Maison Française Magazine, (06/2015), France, (03/2015), France, (04/2015), France, (04/2015), France, (04/2015), France, (06/2015), France, (06/2015), France
Maisonà, (07/2015), France, (06/2015), France
L’Hotellerie, (03/2015), France
Nous CHRD, (03/2015), France
Antiquités Brocante, (07/2015), France, (02/2015), France, (03/2015), France, (08/2015), France, (09/2015), France, (09/2015), France
L’Eclaireur, (08/2015), France
Le Journal de l’Ecole de Paris, (08/2015), France
Le Courrier Economie, (10/2015), France
Le Journal des Entreprises, (10/2015), France, (10/2015), France
Select Antipolis, (07/2015), France
Urbanne Le Mans, (Printemps Eté 2015), France
Mon Jardin et Ma Maison, (08/2015), France
Traits D’Co, (06/2015), France
Domo Deco, (09/2015), France
Maison et Jardin Actuels, (10/2015), France
Cosy City, (Automne 2015), France
Traits D’Co, (10/2015), France
D’Architecture, (10/2015), France
Maison & Travaux, (10/2015), France
Pariscope, (08/2015), France
Le Courrier Economie, (01/2015), France
Entreprendre, (05/2015), France
Courrier Cadres & Dirigeants, (06/2015), France
Le Bien Public, (06/2015), France
Maison & Tendances, (06/2015), France
Challenges, (10/2015), France
Prima Maison, (01/2015), France
OUI Magazine, (02/2015), France
Bois Architecture, (02/2015), France
Prima Maison, (03/2015), France
Le Guide du Salon de l’Immobilier, (03/2015), France
Campagne Décoration, (03/2015), France
Art & Décoration, (04/2015), France
Urbanne Nantes, (07/2015), France
Artravel, (04/2015), France
Tendance Cote d’Opale, (04/2015), France
Modes & Travaux, (06/2015), France
Le Journal de la Maison, (04/2015), France
Maison & Travaux, (06/2015), France
Maison Francaise Magazine, (06/2015), France
Maison & Jardin l’Essentiel, (06/2015), France
Coté Piscine, (07/2015), France
Demeure Historique, (04/2015), France
Le Journal de la Maison, (07/2015), France
Le Plus Beaux Jardins, (Hors Série 01/2015), France
Tendances Magazine, (06/2015), France
Maison Cosy, (07/2015), France
Mon Jardin & ma Maison, (08/2015), France
Monaco Madame, (06/2015), France
Coté Piscine, (08/2015), France
Stadt Revue, (09/2015), Germany
Hauser, (02/2015), Germany
Schoner Whonen, (03/2015), Germany
Wohn!Design, (03/2015), Germany
Brigitte, (03/2015), Germany
Architektur & Wohnen, (04/2015), Germany
H.O.M.E, (04/2015), Germany
Schoner Whonen, (04/2015), Germany
Lisa Wohnen & Dekorieren, (05/2015), Germany
Wohn!Design, (04/2015), Germany
CI Das Magazin Der Kreativen, (06/2015), Germany
Eltern Family, (06/2015), Germany
Mein Schönes Landhaus, (06/2015), Germany
Regional Bauen, (06/2015), Germany
General Anzeiger Bonn, (06/2015), Germany
Elle Decoration, (07/2015), Germany
Whonen & Garten Landhaus, (07/2015), Germany
In – Das Star & Style Magazin, (07/2015), Germany
Die Schonsten 100 Wohnraume, (05/2015), Germany
Schoner Whonen, (08/2015), Germany
Still&, (08/2015), Germany, (09/2015), Germany
Schoner Whonen, (11/2015), Germany
L’Hebdo, (hors série 03/2015), Switzerland
Tages Anzeiger, (04/2015), Switzerland
Espaces Contemporains, (04/2015), Switzerland
G-Plus, (06/2015), Switzerland
Espaces Contemporains, (03/2015), Switzerland
Le Nouvelliste, (05/2015), Switzerland
Espaces Contemporains, (03/2015), Switzerland
Construction & Rénovation, (10/2015), Switzerland
Hotel & Design, (02/2015), Austria
Die Vorarlbergerin, (03/2015), Austria
Tiroler Tageszeitung, (03/2015), Austria
H.O.M.E, (04/2015), Austria
VN Vorarlberger Nachrichten, (04/2015), Austria
VN Vorarlberger Nachrichten, (05/2015), Austria
Diva Wonen, (06/2015), Austria
VN Vorarlberger Nachrichten, (06/2015), Austria
DWELL, (03/2015), USA
San Diego Home & Garden, (07/2015), USA
DWELL, (02/2015), USA
Boston Magazine, (07/2015), USA
Landscape Architecture Magazine, (08/2015), USA
DWELL, (10/2015), USA
Home Accents Today NC, (08/2015), USA
Country Living NY, (09/2015), USA
DWELL, (09/2015), USA
Seatle Times Sunday, (09/2015), USA
Emirates Home, (06/2015), UAE
Emirates Home, (07/2015), UAE
Time Out Dubaï, (07/2015), UAE
Better Homes Magazine, (08/2015), UAE
Dobry Dom Magazine, (08/2015), Poland, (05/2015), Canada, (06/2015), UK
Hauser, (02/2015), Germany


Maisons Coté Ouest, (09/2014), France
L’orne Hebdo, (09/2014), France
Cuisine et Vins de France, (09/2014), France
Le Journal de la Maison, (10/2014), France
Home Fashion News, (10/2014), France
Maison à Part, (08/2014), France, (09/2014), France, (09/2014), France, (12/2014), France
NDA Magazine, (09/2014), France
Hauser, (09/2014), Germany
Martha Stewart Living Germany, (10/2014), Germany
Gartentrend.De, (12/2014), Germany
Solebich.De, (12/2014), Germany
Maisons et Ambiances, (09/2014), Switzerland
Schöner Wohnen Schweiz, (12/2014), Switzerland
Espaces Contemporains, (12/2014), Switzerland
The Atlanta Journal Constitution, (08/2014), USA
Mad & Bolig, (08/2014), Denmark
Intramuros, (01/ 2014), France
Coté, (16/07/2014), France, (08/2014), France
Home Magazine, (07/2014), France
Le journal de la Maison, (07/2014), France
Maison Française Magazine, (07/2014), France
L’Officiel, (hors série 1000 modèles 2014), France
Tendances Magazine, (06/2014), France
Belle, (17/06/2014), France
Bricoler du Coté de la Maison, (05/2014), France
Extérieurs Design Magazine, (n°37, 2014), France
Coté piscine, (04/2014), France
Ideat, (hors série 04/2014), France
Intramuros, (The best of design 2014), France
Investissement conseils, (03/2014), France
La revue des comptoirs, (03/2014), France
NDA Magazine, (07/2014), France
Jalouse, (09/2014), France
Elle Décoration, (supplément 12/2014), France
Le Figaro, (numéro spécial 27/11/2014), France
Extérieur Design Magazine, (n°41 2014), France
Home Fashion News, (06/2014), France
M Le magazine du Monde, (26/07/2014), France
Hauser, (10/2014), Germany
Martha Stewart Living, (10/2014), Germany
Garten trend, (12/2014), Germany, (12/2014), Germany
Spectrooms, (08/2014), Switzerland
Maisons et Ambiances, (07/2014), Switzerland
Schöner Wohnen, (07/2014), Switzerland
Espaces contemporains, (12/2014), Switzerland
Mad & Bolig, (08/2014), Denmark
Emirates Home, (06/2014), UAE
Time out, (07/2014), Dubai
Westernliving, (05/2014), Canada
Möbel!Trends, (style guide 2014), Germany
Wohngluck, (01/2014), Germany
Dega Galabau, (01/2014), Germany
Das, (02/2014), Germany
Schoner Wohnen, (03/2014), Germany
Gala, (03/2014), Germany
HOME, (04/2014), Germany
Lea Wohnen, (04/2014), Germany
Living at home, (04/2014), Germany
Stillvoll wohnen, (04/2014), Germany
Wohn!Design, (outdoor 2014), Germany
Zuhause wohnen, (04/2014), Germany
Elle decoration, (05/2014), Germany
HOME, (05/2014), Germany
Lisa Wohnen & Dekorienen, (05/2014), Germany
Wohnidee, (05/2014), Germany
HOME, (06/2014), Germany, (06/2014), Germany
Joy, (07/2014), Germany
Closer, (07/2014), Germany
Maisons et Ambiances, (03/2014), Switzerland
Espaces contemporains, (05/2014), Switzerland
Schweizer garten, (05/2014), Switzerland
Die Vorarlbergerin, (03/2014), Austria
HOME, (05/2014), Australia, (spring 2014), USA
DWELL, (03/2014), USA
Style MD, (04/2014), USA
The Times Picayune, (04/2014), USA, (05/2014), USA
Elle Decor, (06/2014), USA
House Beautiful, (06/2014), USA
San Diego Magazine, (05/2014), USA
Boston Sunday Globe, (07/2014), USA, (02/2014), Canada
Vogue living, (01/2014), Australia
Sundaystyle, (01/2014), Australia
Elle Decoration, (06/2014), Belgium
Identity, (03/2014), UAE
Atrium, (04/2014), Slovakia
Bast Home, (05/2014), Turkey
Elle Decoration, (04/2014), Sweden


Un je ne sais quoi, (13/07/2013), France, (22/02/2013), France
Fashion, (21/02/2013), France
TGV Magazine, (07/2013), France
Prima Maison, (07/2013), France
Marie Claire Idées, (07/2013), France
Architecture à Vivre, (Hors Série 06/2013), France
Résidences Décoration, (N°112), France
Decodesign, (hors série été), France
Le Journal de la Maison, (06/2013), France
Marie Claire Maison, (hors série 06/2013), France
Extérieurs design magazine, (05/2013), France
Bricoler du coté de la maison, (05/2013), France
Marie Claire Maison, (05/2013), France
FigaroScope, (22/05/2013), France
7 Officiel, (21/05/2013), France
AD, (05/2013), France
Challenges, (25/04/2013), France
Home Magazine, (04/2013), France
Ideat, (hors série 04/2013), France
Maisons Coté Est, (03/2013), France
Domodeco, (03/2013), France
Maison & Jardin, (02/2013), France
Decodesign, (hors série hivers 2012/2013), France
Extérieurs Design Magazine, (01/2013), France
Intramuros Guide, (2013), France
Le, (3/05/2013), France
M Le magazine du Monde, (4/05/2013), France
Intramuros, (05/2013), France
M Le magazine du Monde, (15/06/2013), France
Le, (14/06/2013), France
Les Echos, (17/07/2013), France, (20/08/2013), France
Le courrier du meuble et de l’habitat, (11/2013), France
Femme Actuelle Jeux, (09/2013), France
Vivre sa maison, (automne 2013), France
Coté piscine, (08/2013), France
Antiquités Brocante, (08/2013), France
Freundin Donna, (08/2013), Germany
Lisa Wohnen & Dekorienen, (08/2013), Germany
Mobel Kultur, (08/2013), Germany, (09/2013), Germany
Zuhause Wohnen, (09/2013), Germany
Raum 5, (Köln design guide, 11/2013), Germany
Wohn!Design, (04/2013), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (08/2013), Germany
France today, (09/2013), USA
Elle Decoration, (10/2013), China
Lisa Blumen und Pflanzen, (01/2013), Germany
Arcade, (01/2013), Germany
Genussraum, (01/2013), Germany
Kolner stadt, (01/2013), Germany
Kolnische rundschau, (01/2013), Germany
Garten spass, (02/2013), Germany
Living at home, (02/2013), Germany
Möbelmarkt, (02/2013), Germany
Mobel Kultur, (02/2013), Germany, (02/2013), Germany
Brigitte, (02/2013), Germany
AD, (03/2013), Germany
Garden Style, (03/2013), Germany
Bloom’s, (03/2013), Germany
Wohn!Design, (03/2013), Germany
HOME, (04/2013), Germany
Haus& Wellness, (04/2013), Germany
Hauser, (04/2013), Germany
Luxus wohnen, (04/2013), Germany
Romantisch wohnen, (04/2013), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (04/2013), Germany
Schaufenster, (04/2013), Germany
Couch, (05/2013), Germany
Country, (05/2013), Germany
Exklusive hauser, (05/2013), Germany
Flair, (05/2013), Germany
Luna, (05/2013), Germany
Porzellan & Glas, (05/2013), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (05/2013), Germany
AD, (06/2013), Germany
Casamania, (06/2013), Germany
Freundin Donna, (06/2013), Germany
Wand & Beet, (06/2013), Germany
Flair, (07/2013), Germany
Joy, (07/2013), Germany
Smart homes, (04/2013), Germany
Wohnen, (03/2013), Germany
Zuhause wohnen, (07/2013), Germany
Espaces contemporains, (01/2013), Switzerland
HOME, (02/2013), Switzerland
Freude AM garten, (03/2013), Switzerland
Le Nouvelliste, (03/2013), Switzerland
Herbarella Gartenkultur, (03/2013), Switzerland
Schoner wohnen, (04/2013), Switzerland
Espaces contemporains, (04/2013), Switzerland
Freude AM Garten, (05/2013), Switzerland
Maisons & Ambiances, (05/2013), Switzerland
Schweitzer Garten, (05/2013), Switzerland
Trendmagazin Gartenidee, (05/2013), Switzerland
Das Ideale Heim, (06/2013), Switzerland
Atrium, (07/2013), Germany
Long Life Magazine, (07/2013), Switzerland
Diva Wohnen, (03/2013), Austria
OO Nachrichten, (03/2013), Austria
Leben & Wohnen, (03/2013), Austria
Garten magazin, (04/2013), Austria
HOME, (04/2013), Austria
Lucia Klamor blog, (04/2013), Austria
Kurier, (05/2013), Austria
Architektur & Bau Forum, (06/2013), Austria
Voralberger Nachrichten, (06/2013), Austria
Interior Design NY, (01/2013), USA
Hearth & Home NH, (02/2013), USA
Dwell CA, (04/2013), USA
Hospitality design NY, (04/2013), USA
Bucks County Courier Times PA, (04/2013), USA
Sandusky register OH, (04/2013), USA
Georgia Times-Union FL, (04/2013), USA
Interior design NY, (05/2013), USA
Casual Living NC, (06/2013), USA
HGTV magazine NY, (06/2013), USA
Living etc, (07/2013), USA
H&G, (07/2013), USA
Homes & Property, (07/2013), UK
Harmonies, (06/2013), Lebanon
Vogue Australia, (01/2013), Australia, (01/2013), Australia, (03/2013), Australia
Deco Idees, (04/2013), Belgium
Actief wonen, (04/2013), Belgium
Deco Idees, (07/2013), Belgium
360 West magazine TX, (05/2013), USA
Home & Garden, (02/2013), Netherlands
Living magazine, (06/2013), China
Elle decoration, (07/2013), Czech Republic
Ideal House, (07/2013), Poland
Vero casa, (01/2013), Italy
AD, (03/2013), Italy
Barche, (03/2013), Italy
Casaviva, (03/2013), Italy
G Casa, (03/2013), Italy
HOME, (03/2013), Italy
Interni, (03/2013), Italy
Verde facile, (03/2013), Italy
L’Espresso, (03/2013), Italy
Casa facile, (04/2013), Italy
Case & Country, (04/2013), Italy
Case & Stili, (04/2013), Italy
Cose di casa, (04/2013), Italy
Vero casa, (04/2013), Italy
Ville Giardini, (04/2013), Italy
Gente, (04/2013), Italy
Bravacasa, (05/2013), Italy
Casaviva, (05/2013), Italy
Case & Stili, (05/2013), Italy
Elle decor, (05/2013), Italy
Gardiena, (05/2013), Italy
Madre, (05/2013), Italy
Corriere della sera Style, (06/2013), Italy
Ville Giardini, (05/2013), Italy
Corriere della sera, (05/2013), Italy
Bravacasa, (06/2013), Italy
Case & Stili, (06/2013), Italy
Gioia, (06/2013), Italy
Casa facile, (07/2013), Italy
Vero casa, (07/2013), Italy
Interni Magazine, (07/2013), Italy
Casa 24, (07/2013), Italy


L’, (10/09/2012), France
Marie Claire, (12/08/2012), France
Marie Claire, (10/08/2012), France
Marie Claire, (4/08/2012), France
Marie Claire, (27/07/2012), France
L’Arca International, (11/2012), Monaco
Coté piscine, (12/2012), France
Extérieurs Design Magazine, (11/2012), France
Maisons & Décors, (08/2012), France
Home Magazine, (08/2012), France
Möbel Kultur, (spring 2012), Germany
Möbel!Trends, (guide 2012), Germany
Wohnidee Wohnen, (02/2012), Germany
Kolner Illustrierte, (01/2012), Germany
Living at, (spring 2012), Germany
Schöner Wohnen, (spring 2012), Germany
Family Home, (03/2012), Germany
AD, (03/2012), Germany
Country, (03/2012), Germany
Schöner Wohnen, (04/2012), Germany
Architektur & Wohnen, (04/2012), Germany
Deco Home, (04/2012), Germany
Trierischer volksfreund, (03/2012), Germany
Renovieren & Energiesparen, (04/2012), Germany
Wohn!Design, (04/2012), Germany
Arcade, (03/2012), Germany
Smart homes, (03/2012), Germany
Landshut geniessen, (04/2012), Germany
Wohnidee Wohnen, (06/2012), Germany
Wohn!Design, (06/2012), Germany
Frankreich magazin, (spring 2012), Germany
Das magazin der kreativen inneneinricht, (06/2012), Germany
Brigitte, (06/2012), Germany
Lisa, (06/2012), Germany
Schoner Wohnen, (07/2012), Germany
Zuhause Wohnen, (07/2012), Germany
Wohnidee Wohnen, (07/2012), Germany
Elle decor, (spring 2012), Italy
Ville & Casali, (spring 2012), Italy
Garden & Country, (spring 2012), Italy
Leonardo case & stili, (04/2012), Italy
Home, (spring 2012), Italy
Interni, (04/2012), Italy
Archiportale, (04/2012), Italy
Archiproducts, (04/2012), Italy
Design & Style, (04/2012), Italy
Vanity Fair, (04/2012), Italy
Elle decor, (spring 2012), Italy
G Casa, (07/2012), Italy
Brava Casa, (spring 2012), Italy
Elle Decor, (spring 2012), Italy, (04/2012), China
Metropolis NY, (02/2012), USA
Via Airport Journal, (03/2012), Austria
OGZ Cafe Journal, (03/2012), Austria
Garten magazin, (03/2012), Austria
Besser Wohnen, (05/2012), Austria
Wienerin, (06/2012), Austria
Arcade, (09/2012), Germany
Stil & Markt, (10/2012), Germany
Stil & Markt, (11/2012), Germany
Wohn!Design, (11/2012), Germany
RZ Raum & Ausstattung, (12/2012), Germany
The Sun MD, (08/2012), USA
The Times NJ, (10/2012), USA
Harmonies, (09/2012), Lebanon
Boligdrom, (10/2012), Norway
South asia Building, (11/2012), Singapore
VT Wonen, (09/2012), Netherlands
Casa in fiore, (08/2012), Italy
Casa facile, (08/2012), Italy
Elle decor, (09/2012), Italy
Interni, (09/2012), Italy
Vero casa, (10/2012), Italy
Case & Country, (12/2012), Italy


Marie Claire, (07/2011), France
Le Figaro, (05/2011), France
Extérieurs Design Magazine, (07/2011), France
Maisons Coté Ouest, (06/2011), France
Design Home, (06/ 2011), France
Architecture à Vivre, (05/2011), France
Prima Maison, (05/2011), France
Marie Claire Maison, (05/2011), France
L’Art des Jardin, (05/2011), France
Elle Décoration, (05/2011), France
Maisons Coté Sud, (05/2011), France
Elle, (04/2011), France
Express Style, (spécial design 04/2011), France
Vivre Coté Terrasses & jardins, (03/2011), France
Maison à Part, (01/2011), France
Archistorm, (07/2011), France
L’Arca international, (05/2011), Monaco
Décisions, (03/2011), France
Decodesign, (08/2011), France
Le Monde Magazine, (10/09/2011), France
Portraits d’Artistes, (09/2011), France
Le Figaro Madame, (23/04/ 2011), France
Arcade, (septembre 2011), Germany
Casa Deco, (septembre 2011), Germany
Möbelmarkt, (aout 2011), Germany, (juillet 2011), Germany
Wohnidee Wohnen, (octobre 2011), Germany
Möbel Kultur, (octobre 2011), Germany
Stil & Markt, (novembre 2011), Germany
Schöner Wohnen, (printemps 2011), Germany
Freudin, (printemps 2011), Germany
Wohnidee Wohnen, (n°21, 2011), Germany
Elle, (spring 2011), Belgium
The outdoor stylist, (06/2011), USA
DesignCatalog, (01/2011), Singapore
Harmonies, (spring 2011), Lebanon
Home & Gardening, (03/2011), Germany
AD, (03/2011), Germany
Gartenfreund, (03/2011), Germany
Madame, (04/2011), Germany
Lisa Blumen und Pflanzen, (04/2011), Germany
Schweizer garten, (04/2011), Switzerland
Casa deco, (05/2011), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (05/2011), Germany
Actief wohnen, (05/2011), Belgium
Fur sie, (05/2011), Germany, (05/2011), Belgium, (05/2011), Belgium
Elle deco, (06/2011), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (06/2011), Germany
Mobel kultur, (06/2011), Germany
Stern, (09/06/2011), Germany
Hamburger abendblatt, (06/2011), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (07/2011), Germany


Le Courrier du Meuble et de l’Habitat, (10/2010), France
Déco, (12/2010), France
Home Projets, (10/2010), France
Le Journal de la Maison, (09/2010), France
Point de Vue, (08/2010), France
Décodesign, (07/2010), France
Living at home, (08/2010), Germany
Living at home, (09/2010), Germany
Schoner wohnen, (09/2010), Germany
The outdoor, (08/2010), Germany
Grun, (12/2010), Germany


Intramuros, (n°140 01/2009), France
Le Parisien Economie, (9/11/2009), France
Le Monde, (23/07/2009), France


The Observer Magazine, (05/2008), UK
House & Garden, (06/2008), UK


Design Report, (spécial IMM 2007), Germany, (09/2007), Netherlands
France-Amérique, (octobre 2007), France
MD, (01/2007), Germany
L’Officiel, (hors série 1000 modèles 2006/2007), France


Elle décoration, (01/2006), France
Elle décoration, (hors série spécial tendances 2006), France
A nous Paris, (27/02/2006), France


Elle Décoration, (07/2005), France
Etapes, (10/2005), France
Têtu, (12/2005), France
Marie Claire Maison, (10/2005), France
Mixte, (08/2005), France


Marie Claire Maison, (12/2004), France
Résidences décorations, (n°47, 2003), France
Marie Claire Maison, (03/2003), France
Case da Abitare, (03/2002), Italy
Intramuros, (12/2002), France
Résidences décoration, (n°43, 2002), France
Intramuros, (05/2001), France
InteriorView, (n°13, 1999), UK
International Design Yearbook 1997, UK
FX, (03/1996), UK